Monday, April 28, 2008

My Week Off and Whatnot

I was off last week. I don’t think I have actually taken a full real week off in years. I usually just do the long weekend thing. I totally spring cleaned my apartment. I felt like an Anne Tainter fridge magnet. You know the one that says, “I dreamt my whole entire house was clean” with the big overly excited smile! That was me. I am almost ready to launch my business. I kept ping ponging different names and package designs. I decided that Live Long Foods just didn’t sound like me. It sounds like a very zen sort of business, like an accupuncture merchant and let’s face it —I’m a bit funkier than that. So keeping with my beloved Dandelion theme, I decide to go with Dandelion Dehydrated Foods. I will be launching on Etsy next week.

I’ve got some show coming up too. One painting will be shown in the Highland Park Art Walk and two paintings will be going out to Rochester, NY for a group show called, Circulation. Speaking of art, I made time to attend Artopolis which I felt was the best yet in it's three years at the Merch Mart. When it moved from Navy Pier to the Merchandise Mart, I felt it lost some of the magic but I think now the magic is back. I typically like the work that comes from outside of Chicago. Lots of great work from New York and some Denver galleries really struck me.

During my cleaning week I also completed some inside cleaning and did a kidney cleanse as prescribed by my ayurvedic guru. It was basically a macrobiotic diet for a week including ginger and lassi (although I can’t tolerate lassi). I also took a Kidney Rasayana. I won’t go into the other more TMI aspects of the cleanse. I managed to lose a lot of my food cravings. I didn’t think I could go a week without wine, absolutely no sugar or chocolate but I did it! It was surprisingly not that hard. I actually kinda liked the macrobiotic diet aside from the short grain brown rice. Thankfully it’s not completely a diet of beige foods. I’m inspired to start adding more sea veggies to my diet. I do feel a lot calmer. My skin looks better than ever. I could forsee a sort of ayurvedic-macro mix that gives room for fun things like foreign beer and chocolate.

Speaking of food, I’m totally addicted to Top Chef but aren’t I always! I’m cheering for Mark Simmons from New Zealand. He's so adorable like a hobbit. I"m really curious about the NZ cuisine. I may have to plan a trip. It’s seem very pure and paleo-like. I’d love to have that recipe for the anchove-quinoa dish he made for the zoo challenge. I could actually eat that. It’s always fun to play a little game of “What would I do” given the challenge. I was thinking about the Earth soup that Spike wanted to make. I could see doing something like Dr. Furhman’s Famouse Soup which is more delicious than it looks as it’s very green. I could see serving that in a squash bowl with edible flowers and maybe plate some pretty mushrooms.

Dr. Furhman’s Famous Soup:

Making this soup involves more time and effort than the other recipes, so you might want to make a huge amount and save it in the refrigerator for the whole week.

1 cup dried split peas and/or beans

4 medium onions

6-10 zucchini

3 stalks leek

5 lbs. carrots

2 bunches celery

1 cup raw cashews

2 tbsp. VegiZest (I've skipped this and just thrown in extra nutritional yeast flakes)

1 package mushrooms, any type (optional)

6 oz. textured vegetable protein (optional- I skip this)

Place the beans and 4 cups of water in a very large pot and start cooking them, covered, on the lowest flame possible. Take the outer skins off the onions and place them in the covered pot. Do not cut them up, put them in whole. Add the zucchini, uncut. Cut the bottom roots off the leeks and slice them up the side so each leaf can be thoroughly washed, because leeks have lots of dirt hidden inside. Throw away the last inch at the green top. Then place the entire leek (leaves uncut) into the pot. Juice the carrots and celery in a juice extractor. Add the juice to the pot. While the soup is simmering, chop up the mushrooms (if desired). By the time you get to this stage, the zucchini, leeks, onions should be soft.

This next step only works if you have a Vita-Mix, a powerful blender, or a food processor. Ladle some of the liquid from the pot into the machine. Use tongs to remove the soft onions, zucchini, and leeks. Be careful to leave the beans in the bottom of the pot. In a few separate batches, completely blend together the onions, zucchini, and leeks. Add more soup liquid and cashews to the mixture, and blend in. Return the blended, creamy mix back to the pot. Add the textured vegetable protein and the mushrooms, if desired. Simmer another 20 minutes, and you have my soup that is famous the world over. I know a doctor who makes and freezes my soup and sells it to his patients to cure everything from sinusitis to cancer. It’s not really a cure, but it sure does taste great.

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