Monday, April 7, 2008

I Heart Blogs

I heart blogs and not just my own. Here are a few of my favorite blogs:

Fran's House of Ayurveda. Sometimes Web sites regarding Ayurveda can be too serious and intimidating. Fran's House is not—it's full of fun and great recipes. The dandelion rolls are one of my favorite recipes. She's kinda like the Ayurvedic twin to Jessica Porter's HipChick Guide to Macrobiotics. She's a great illustrator as well.

Crockpot Lady (Stephanie) is obsessed with her crockpot but she's okay with it. I'm okay with it too since I've scored a couple great recipes. She's a total doll as well.

Sarah’s homestead blog. Sarah is one of my pals from the Disgruntled Housewives board. She lives in rural Portland and is the coolest gal ever—she has tattoos, makes her own mead, raises chickens, dyes whool and makes yarn. She rocks and shares it all on her blog.

Mark’s Daily Apple. Mark Sisson is a writer, athlete and vitamin designer. He offers a lot of solid advice in regards to health, diet and fitness.

Kris Carr's Craxy Sexy Cancer book was featured on Oprah many moons ago. Ms. Carr is the director, producer and subject of The Learning Channel (TLC) documentary film "Crazy Sexy Cancer." It's full of info on raw diets, how to's, "hell yeah's", and secrets for anyone dealing with adversity, not just cancer. I'm not a raw vegan but I do love her attitude and sense of humor. I lost my mom to breast cancer over 10 years ago so I can relate to a lot of issues that forum peeps write about.

Myinnerworld site. I confess I like spiritual woo-woo stuff. I know I know. I might end up the old lady that wears purple from head to toe but hey if I'm happy that's cool. This site is absolutely gorgeous. Michele Bernhardt is a renowned practitioner of the intuitive arts. She wrote the book COLOROLOGY. According to Bernhard, each birthday responds to a color. Regardless if you are a believer or non-believer, this site is absolutely gorgeous and a great pick-me up when you are blue.

Speaking of pick-me ups, I heart Natalie Dee. Her artwork is so cute but her sense of humor is totally balls to the wall. I think my all-time fav would be her drawing of a panda and a unicorn doing battle amidst a rainbow. Love it!

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