Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring-ie Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring and we are expecting a winter snowstorm. Isn’t it always like this? Monday was St. Patrick’s Day which is one of my favorite holidays being Irish and a “Patricia”. I love the color green and I love a Guinness once in a while. One is usually enough for me, it’s so rich like drinking liquid pumpernickel. So I had my holiday treat (actually twice) at the Irish pub across the street from me called Atlantic Bar and Grill. One of the few real Irish bars where you actually hear people with Irish accents. I got to hear some great Irish music and see some lovely dancing.

Now on to Easter and I am so not ready yet. I need more than one week after St. Pat’s to get excited about Easter! It's so friggin early this year. I don’t dye eggs anymore or follow many traditions but I used to love going to Marshall Fields to check out the spring Flower Show. Thank God Macy’s is still keeping that tradition with some amazing exotic flowers.

Even though I had a little sniffle this week I’m in a great mood. I’m really learning how to take care of myself. I’ve been following an Ayuvedic program designed by my practitioner, Matthew Ramski of Rennaissance Yoga in Toronto. I’ll talk more about Ayurveda in future blogs. I just happened to start taking Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) and it’s changing my life. I have more energy, some of my female troubles have completely stopped, my hair seems thicker . . . life is good. Life is also good because I’m so looking forward to seeing Eddie Izaard at the Chicago Theater in May. Yeah I got tickets and I will definitely report back. I choose cake!

I also just started reading a book called The Slow Down Diet by nutritionist Marc David. It’s about really eating when you eat. I’m learning to slow down and enjoy my food and why the hell not, eating is so pleasurable do I really need to be an autopilot while doing so? Do I really need to eat while watching TV, while reading a catalog with an ipod in my ear? David also supports the idea of eating what you really want just make sure it’s the highest quality. Hello Vosage chocolate Easter bunnies! Also, timing is essential. As in Ayurveda, one should eat a small breakfast, a big lunch and a small early dinner. I was surprised to learn that sumo wrestlers eat the same healthy food as their countryman but they eat bigger portions and late at night. One of David’s clients had an aha moment when she realized she was on the sumo wrestler diet and lost weight simply by not eating late at night. Oh yeah and breathing while you eat is good too, I need to do more of that. The body stores fat if we eat in a stressed state. So breatheee.

I’m also really into podcasts these days. I’ve only had an ipod since x-mas and I love love love it. I’ve been into Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth podcasts with Oprah. Tolle is just brilliant. The book is sitting on my nightstand, once I’m done with The Slow Down Diet I’ll start that. I guess I’m going backwards by listening to the podcasts first but I will get to it! I’ve been downloading meditations and lectures from Dr. Wayne Dyer and Caroline Myss. It really does change your day when you start out listening to something peaceful but I will still always heart my bad loud 80’s anthem rock too.

1 comment:

Stephanie ODea said...

this is really interesting information---thank you! I enjoy listening to podcasts like the ones you've listed, too.
